Hello, We haven’t been posting here at all for the last couple of years as the person who used to write our blog posts is no longer with us. We are still around and active, but we usually post on Facebook (even if only every three months) rather than writing blogs here.
Back on the water in “Big” boats
This last Saturday we were finally able to get back out on the water in a boat larger than a single. Here is hoping we can take out an eight soon as well.

update 14 Aug 2020
The grant application for a 45 foot shipping container from the Shasta Regional Community Foundation was denied for unspecified reasons. This is the 3rd time we’ve been denied a grant application from this entity, and it’s discouraging because there’s a lot of effort in these applications. Not sure what we are doing wrong. Since the Keswick theft, all equipment has been vacated from the Keswick Lake boat yard & moved to Reese’s house. Two 4s have been transported to Lou’s for hull repair, which is complete. A pair of stolen riggers for the Monica Havelka quad have been ordered from Neaves Rowing. Kevin and Reese footed the bill. We just noticed the thieves also stole the rudder and steering foot stretcher from the Ray Tomas 4. The DA called and said the receiver of some of the stolen property is going to court & we’ll be filing a claim for the pair of sculls that had their blades cut off. There is still vandalism occurring at Keswick, someone removed an old 4 used as a barrier from the boat yard and used it to block the launch ramp. The status of the dock is pending. No one is rowing, except for a few car topping scullers. There is a virtual meeting planned for next week, the first meeting in many months. We’re dead in the water – need to decide on path forward and take action. Maybe Whiskeytown NRA will take us back now that the Carr Fire burn scar is healing. Nelo Rowing will be in town to demo equipment on Sunday at Whiskeytown. Kevin received 4 brand new riggers for the Vespoli Matrix 33 2x that was donated to the club – which we then donated to Kevin to fix up and get it rowable. Greg Reimann has a pair of Dreher sculls that he will be donating, as we are definitely short of club sculling oars. These are very difficult times for a lot of reasons.
update 18 May 2020
Was able to find a Neaves Rowing sticker on the remaining 4x riggers, and they were contacted and can fabricate replacement riggers. Serial numbers were provided, waiting for a cost estimate. Very lucky!!!
2 port sweep oars, and a pair of sculls, were thrown over the fence – evidently returned by the thief. However, someone is still getting in to the boat yard – as a pair of “bait” snow skis of little value were left in the oar box to see if theft is still occuring – and they are now missing.
When trying to get the 4+/- Slingshot rowable where backstays were stolen, it was noticed the rudder, cables, and bow foot stretcher with the steering mechanism were also stolen.
Right now, there are no rowable fours. The fours from Humboldt State could be made ready to row, but work is needed to commission them. A donated Vespoli Matrix 33 without riggers was delivered to Kevin Fox as a donation to get it rowable vs wasting away in storage. Sculling riggers from Vespoli are a whopping $530 each. Kevin is excited to commission it.
A snow damaged Humboldt State 4 was delivered to Lou Zimmer’s house for repair.
Update 7 May 2020
Well, we got boat racks set in concrete and fabricated an oar storage locker. We moved out our best 4+ and 4x out there, along with our best set of 4 sweeps and 2 pairs of sculls, and a couple of trainer sculls. Then someone broke into the boat yard and oar locker and stole the oars. They also stole the 4+ riggers and 2 pair of the 4x riggers. BLM Law enforcement found the fellow and recovered 1 intact sweep oar, 1 intact scull, 1 pair of the missing 4X riggers, and the 4+ riggers minus the backstays which were out best. We are very grateful to BLM for finding the culprit, but upon trying to locate this fellow to pay ransom for the missing 4x riggers – since they are old Janousek riggers that are probably irreplaceable – but it was reported he had left and he has no contact information, and was released from jail. We have a grant application in right now for a 45 ft shipping container, and a dock extension so we can launch 8s. Right now, no one wants to have any equipment out there for fear of more theft and vandalism – so all equipment has been moved back to Reese’s house and old 8 s and 4s have been put up for barriers. We are out of business – if we don’t get the shipping container grant, we’ll need to try to get back to Whiskeytown or do some serious fund raising for a container. Between the Carr Fire, Covid-19, and theft – it is a very difficult time for the Shasta Rowing Association right now. The best we can do right now is meet up periodically for car top sculling. Fortunately, Lake Redding has water now so sculling is in business there.
Thank you Franklin Saylor for donating $200!!
Nov 2019 minutes

mining foundation located in boat yard

SRA Boat yard with new gates

Keswick Lake boat yard